What Makes Diamond Rock Spring Water Different?
We take pride in our delivery service and deliver according to your schedule
We exclusively service the Bergen, Hudson, Essex, and Union County areas which enables us to give undivided attention to each and everyone of our customers. We provide service to a wide variety of customers: Vendors, Athletic Clubs, Municipalities, Hospitals, Schools, Businesses and Residential Homes and much more.
The customer simply calls when they need a delivery.
The Home Delivery System is run on a ‘Will Call Basis’. The customer calls when they need a delivery.
Our service reps, take your order and remind you of your delivery day.
There are no schedules to try to remember so you never forget to leave out your empty bottles. Each town has its own designated delivery day! Scheduled deliveries are also available.
Our Diamond Rock service trucks are in your area every single week.
Diamond Rock service trucks are in your area every single week, so all you do is call when beginning your last full bottle of water! This ensures that you will never run out of water.
If you live outside of our delivery area, visit DiamondFilter.com to find out about our unique filtered water service.